The Park of San Francisco in Oviedo

posted in: Asturias, Europe, Home, Spain | 3

I only had three days in Oviedo but wanted to see as many parks and green spaces as I could in that time. I visited parks in all the Spanish cities in which we stayed and I think the beautiful park of San Francisco in Oviedo was the most beautiful and a wonderful ‘entry’ into the old city.

Entrance to the town

The road from the west leads to this pretty roundabout and hints at the green spaces in the city.

Oviedo entrance
Roundabout at the entrance to the town

Plaza de Espana

Our hotel was in the Calle Federico Lorca and from there it was a brief stroll to the Plaza de Espana which leads on to to the Park, and then the centre of the old town. Government buildings surround this quiet square but the fountains in the middle of the square create a feeling of tranquillity. There are statues all over the city and here there is a statue of the Goddess Hera (why?) and Neptune and Apollo. There is also a plaque to General Franco.

Fountains in the Plaza de Espana
Fountains in the Plaza de Espana
Neptune and Apollo
Neptune and Apollo

Park of San Francisco

The park was originally the kitchen garden and orchards of the San Francisco Convent. As early as the 16C the land was given for public use, and it was finally converted to a public park in the 19C. Today the park covers 22 acres in the centre of Oviedo. To remind visitors of the history of the park, perhaps, there is the Romanesque doorway from the Church of San Isidro. The Church was situated in the Plaza del Paraguas, close to the walls of the old town but it fell into disrepair and was demolished in the 1920s.

Romanesque doorway of San Isidro
Romanesque doorway of San Isidro
The Avenue de Almania in the Park of San Francisco
The Avenue de Almania leading to the old town
Memorial to Jose Tartiere on the Paseo de los Alamos
Memorial to Jose Tartiere (1933) on the Paseo de los Alamos
The paseo de los Alamos
The Paseo de los Alamos
The exit into the city
The exit into the city

Children’s play area

All parks these days have a designated children’s play area and this was no exception!

Trees & plants in the park

There are over 900 trees in the park, and over 50 varieties, and apparently the oldest are over 300 years. Even though it was October the plants were still flowering and everything looked green and healthy.

Redwood tree in the park
Redwood tree? in the park
St Francis of Assisi amongst tall trees
St Francis of Assisi amongst tall trees

Aspects of the park

A little pavilion in the park
A little pavilion in the park
Paseo del Bombe
The Paseo del Bombe
The fountain at one end of the Paseo del Bombe

At the end of the day

At the end of the day the ladies were paseoing, dressed very smartly indeed. Others were walking home, jogging, or just sitting.

Ladies in the Park of San Francisco
The ladies!
Walking in the Park of San Francisco
Walking in the Park of San Francisco
Just chatting at the end of the day
Just chatting at the end of the day

Further information

The Cathedrals of Northern Spain

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