The Alentejo around Flor da Rosa

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The Alentejo around Flor da Rosa is beautiful – rolling hills, abundant water, Roman bridges, prehistoric tombs, and endless flowers. I often went out for an hour in the evenings, with the camera.

Flor da Rosa from a distance
Flor da Rosa
White Field Campion
White Field Campion
The Roman Bridge between Flor da Rosa and Aldeia da Mata
The Roman Bridge between Flor da Rosa and Aldeia da Mata
The Roman Bridge between Flor da Rosa and Aldeia da Mata
The river under the Roman Bridge between Flor da Rosa and Aldeia da Mata
Flor da Rosa
The Church in Flor da Rosa from a distance

5 Responses

  1. Candy Blackham

    The yellow flowers are broom, or Cytisus, and I have missed, somehow, the clay amphoras in the Pousada! Oh dear, I will have to return!! And yes, the Alentejo is gorgeous…

    • Candy Blackham

      Thank you – it is incredibly beautiful, particularly in the spring, but you need to walk to really enjoy the flowers.

  2. saltofportugal

    Gorgeous! The bushes with the yellow flowers on the first 2 photos were traditionally used to make clay amphoras. The Flor da Rosa historical hotel has a wonderful collection of these.

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