The Alignments of Little Menec, Carnac

posted in: France, Home | 5

I was tiring of stones but decided we had to to see the Alignments of Little Menec because I had read it was ‘magical’, and that was indeed the case. Do not miss this site if you are in the area. There was no-one else there, it was quiet, overgrown, sunlit – magical, peaceful, atmospheric. There are many ‘explanations’ for the megaliths at Carnac but there seems to be a growing acceptance that the tumuli were burial mounds and the alignments served a religious and symbolic function. Maybe it was the trees or the shadows, but I felt a power while I was there – it was not a ‘dead’ site.

The entrance to Petit Menec off a small lane
The entrance to Petit Menec off a small lane

Little Menec, Carnac Little Menec, Carnac Little Menec, Carnac

15-9-26 Little Menec France 2015 Day 17 LR-6991 Little Menec, Carnac

5 Responses

  1. Candy Blackham

    A pleasure – this particular part of the alignments really was quite magical – and there was no-one else there. I tried to capture the mystery, rather than record the stones

  2. Sue Vincent

    Carnac I have yet to see. I lived in Paris and the centre of France and somehow never made it to Carnac, so thank you for sharing these images, Candy.

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