Travel in Spain, All Saints Day in Cambados

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The last day in Cambados was also All Saints Day. We had noticed a flower stall in the town the night before and wondered if it might be connected to the Festival of All Saints, but I was quite unprepared for the sights at the ruined Romanesque Church of Santa Mariña Dozonow a cemetery.

Santa Marina

Santa Marina

All Saints Day

All Saints Day

All Saints Day

I was caught unawares. Memories of my mother overwhelmed me; surrounded by an outpouring of love and attention I felt desperately alone. People in the shadows of my life came to me. We lingered, and then, subdued, returned to the town.

  1. runner500

    Some lovely photos; it is odd how certain situations can provoke these unexpected emotions – although perhaps not so surprising with graveyards and cemeteries. I had something similar in a cemetery a few months ago when I saw the name of a friend who died over a decade ago (not his grave but someone of a similar name).

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